
Lemon Emigrant

I received a parcel in the post this morning, three butterflies in a black painted wooden frame.
A friend sent me this, I have not seen her since I moved, it is such a beautiful gift.

What struck me instantly was that the first butterly in the frame is called the Lemon Emigrant.

The Lemon Emigrant (Catopsilia pomona) is a medium sized pierid butterfly found in Asia and parts of Australia. The species gets its name from its habit of migration.

It is quite a fascinating gift. because my friend who sent me this consumes plenty of lemons , she is the only person I know who actually likes eating them just as they are.

Migration refers to directed, regular, or systematic movement of a group of objects, organisms, or people
Human migration is movement (physical or psychological) by humans from one district to another, sometimes over long distances. The movement of populations in modern times has continued under the form of both voluntary migration within one's region, country, or beyond.
This is what I did recently.

I think this butterfly represents our friendship.

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