
time thieves

You have 24 hours in every day, seven days a week, that is a total of 168 hours to accomplish what needs to be done in your life..I wouldn't go about it that way

When focusing on your achievements rather than the lack of action on your goals, time seem to have passed more slowly. Don't let time consume you, take care of it.

As a child my mum was the one reading me goodnight stories, I can not seem to remember many of them..
The one book I do remember very well was the only one my father read for me; Momo, also known as The Men in Grey, a novel by Michael Ende.
Maybe the main reason for my strong memories of this book is that it took 'us' a very long time to finish it, and time is what the book is all about. The concept of time and how it is used by humans in modern societies.

The main theme of Momo can be seen as a criticism of consumerism and stress. It describes the personal and social losses produced by unnecessary consumption, and the danger to be driven by a hidden interest group with enough power to induce people into this life style.

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